In the Blink of an Eye

By Nathan Haug

And just like that, Halloween is over but the memories and lasting experience will be ingrained in my memory for years. My name is Nathan Haug and this was my experience working with Acting Out and what an experience it was! I grew up in Kankakee county, but never was able to attend Sleepy Hollow in the years since AOTC took over. I have been involved with local theater since I was in the 4th grade but my first exposure to AOTC was not until the dark and explosive performance of Sweeney Todd. Once I saw that show, I was intrigued and very interested in getting involved with Acting Out.

Fast forward to August of this year when I was asked if I would like to be a part of Sleepy Hollow along with my fiancé Allie. There was no need to ponder the idea, we were in! The chance to be part of a performance that enhances the fall experience in a beautiful setting of the community was beyond perfect. I was told I would be a guide at first and quickly that change, I was now part of every group’s performance as a character in the barn reenactment. Peter was my name. I was the tall lanky fellow following Brom Bones around every second of the evening like a lost puppy. There were two henchmen, myself and Tom, played by Gaston and then Brom himself, played by Andy. The dynamics and contrast between the three of us grew each rehearsal. I loved working with those two because they both had the same ideas spinning inside their heads like I did.

Before I knew it, the first night of performances was here! Excitement and fire grew within me and I was ready for the night. Then just like that, it was over and I was exhausted! Eight performances the first night, our second night which was the following weekend had 10 and the day after, 10 as well! My feet ached and my throat soar, but it was worth every blister and throat lozenge. It didn’t stop there though, Halloween was still on its way and I was dressing up as the Horseman of Death for AOTC and dancing to Michael Jackson’s Thriller on Cobb Boulevard.

Talk about an experience! We learned the dance in one rehearsal thanks to Kendra our teacher!

I was beyond nervous for this because I don’t fancy myself a good dancer by any means. Once the music played that first time on Cobb Boulevard, the nerves ran away faster than scared trick-o-treaters. Throughout the night we would walk around the front of the house, through the graveyard and in the street, scaring some and creating a truly unique experience for all! Then every 20 minutes or so that iconic music would start and the characters would drag their dead zombie-like bodies to the street to perform the dance.

Every time we did it, crowds of parents and kids alike would gather to watch. Then as the song ended my character would take back over and the scares began again. This was an experience for the ages. Working with Acting Out has been so much fun, and such an easy and friendly group of people to work with. Thank you for being so welcoming to this new guy!