The You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown Gang.
Charlie Brown “The Hero of the Story”
“Good ol’ Charlie Brown” is the lovable loser in the zig-zag t-shirt—the kid who never gives up (even though he almost never wins). He manages the world’s worst baseball team…yet shows up for every game. He can’t muster the courage to talk to the Little Red-Haired girl…yet keeps hoping. Even though he gets grief from his friends, his kite-eating tree, even his own dog, Charlie Brown remains the stalwart hero.

Snoopy “Man’s Best Friend”
The wildly imaginative, supremely confident, world-famous beagle is a canine master of disguise. As Joe Cool, he’s aloof, unflappable, above the fray, the hip dog we’d all like to be. As the World War I Flying Ace, he engages in aerial combat with the notorious Red Baron. While pondering life from the top of his doghouse, he writes the great American novel, travels to the moon, and plots revenge on the cat next door.

Sally “The Entitled Innocent”
You might call Sally Brown the original millennial. A little self-important and a lot naive, Sally speaks with great authority even though she usually has the basic facts wrong. And like any good up-and-comer, she’s perpetually trying to usurp her elders, taking every opportunity to move into Charlie Brown’s room, but still relies on her big brother to get her out of jams.

Lucy “The Boss”
Even though she has little to hold over the other characters’ heads, Lucy is always in charge, seemingly through sheer force of will. But while she can be downright nasty to good ol’ Charlie Brown, she blubbers with lovelorn sweetness in the presence of Schroeder. Put simply, Lucy is a mass of womanly contradictions.

Linus “The Perpetual Optimist”
Every year, Linus sits out in that pumpkin patch, never wavering in his belief that this will be the year that the Great Pumpkin finally shows up. And every year his hopes are dashed. But 12 months later, he’s back in that same spot, his belief just as strong as it was the year before.

Schroeder “The Dedicated Artist”
Chances are, if you’re an artist, you most relate to the Peanuts character, Schroeder. Or at least who you strive to relate to him. He’s almost always seen practicing his piano and his concentration is rarely broken—even when Lucy is professing her undying devotion. Wouldn’t we all love to have that sort of dedication to our craft?

Which “Peanuts” Character Are You? Take a quiz!
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