Acting Out Theatre Co.’s Rain Policy

We will make every effort to present the performance.

In the event of rain, please retain your ticket stub. Acting Out Theatre Co. reserves the right to hold the start of a performance for a maximum of 45 minutes. In the event of rain during a performance. AOTC may interrupt the show for a maximum of 45 minutes before cancellation. If a show has played for a total of one hour or to intermission rain checks will not be honored. If a show is cancelled and has not played for a total of one hour or to intermission, your ticket stub will serve as your ticket for a subsequent performance or rain date performance. A performance has not been cancelled until an announcement is made from the stage and Acting Out Theatre Co. Facebook page.

We reserve 2 rain dates each year, the Monday and Tuesday following our show weekend. If we rain out one day, we add the 1st rain date, if we rain out 2 days we will add the 1st and 2nd rain date.

Tickets are Nonrefundable.