Sunday (7/24) Performance Cancelled
Rain date performance Monday (7/25) at 8 PM. Our gates will open at 5:45, Fleet Street vendors will be there serving from 6:00 PM – 7:45 PM. (If you had early bird tickets/membership you may set up at 5:30) Bring your ticket stub from Sunday night. We will also have tickets for sale tonight at the gate.
Sweeney Todd has become a bloody worldwide success since being awarded 8 Tony Awards which include Best Musical!
Join us in the heart of the up and coming Arts & Entertainment District in Downtown Kankakee at 356 East Merchant Street, July 22, 23 and 24 at 8:00 pm each night!
Music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. An infamous tale, Sweeney Todd, an unjustly exiled barber, returns to 19th century London seeking vengeance against the lecherous judge who framed him and ravaged his young wife. The road to revenge leads Todd to Mrs. Lovett, a resourceful proprietress of a failing pie shop, above which he opens a new barber practice. Mrs. Lovett’s luck sharply shifts when Todd’s thirst for blood inspires the integration of an ingredient into her meat pies that has the people of London lining up, and the carnage has only just begun! We invite you to attend this dark and witty tale of love, London, murder and revenge.
Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the gate and are available at –
King Music, 670 W Broadway St, Bradley, IL 60915
Joy’s Hallmark, 17 Meadowview Center, Kankakee, IL 60901 &
Buy Tickets HERE!
Suggested for ages 14 and up
Don’t miss the fun, food & drinks at the Fleet Street Market starting at 5:30 pm
Gates open at 5:15 Bring a lawn chair! Showtme is 8:00 PM
Rain dates are July 25 & 26 at 8:00 pm
Rain Policy
We will make every effort to present the performance.
In the event of rain, please retain your ticket stub. Acting Out Theatre Co. reserves the right to hold the start of a performance for a maximum of 45 minutes. In the event of rain during a performance, AOTC may interrupt the show for a maximum of 30 minutes before cancellation. If a show has played for a total of one hour or to intermission rain checks will not be honored. If a show is cancelled and has not played for a total of one hour or to intermission, your ticket stub will serve as your ticket for a subsequent performance or rain date performance. A performance has not been cancelled until an announcement is made from the stage, and Acting Out Theatre Co Facebook page.
What should I bring? A lawn chair. Food will be available at the Fleet Street Market. You can also bring a small cooler and snacks.
What’s the Fleet Street Market? It’s a pre-show festival, including food and entertainment.It’s from 5:30 to 7:45 pm before each show.
Should a invite my children to come? No.
Where should I park? Parking is available in the Farmers Market parking lot on Dearborn and Merchant.